Coaches at any stage of their training and professional career knows the strength and beauty of this question. I like this question very much and find it delicious. Yes, as you read, I find it delicious - for two main reasons:
Trained coaches remember how this question accompanied them. Sometimes we think that when we say several things or goals, we think that we must stop because there is nothing else. Then the question comes and opens before us springs of life water that have been in us all the time. I am not talking about consciousness and the subconscious here; I am talking about a deeper understanding of the self through expressions and questions that the coaching training school puts in our hands. I will not mention all of them here to allow you to taste and enjoy it if you want to train to become a certified coach.
What else? It is one of the questions that does aims to formulate desires and goals in words and phrases. I am talking about discovering and releasing desires. Here is an exercise that may help a person understand the strength and beauty of this question:
Note: Allow yourself to be festive, astounded, and astonished
It is surprising how small words can imprint a huge impact on us. The same is true of short, simple questions.
What words have a great impact in your life? What questions have a great impact in your life? Please share!
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